Parking in Cities with the Honey is no easy task! Over the last two years, I have learned some important tips and strategies I want to share with you so that when you get fired from your job and then loose everything on the stock market you can still travel and live comfortably in a motorhome. wink. ;-)

More importantly I go there for it's no harassment, overnight parking policy. However, more and more often I am discovering exceptions to the rule. Many towns and cities are implementing ordinances that override Walmart, prohibiting overnight parking on private-store lots.
Do unsuspecting council-member voters realize how this effects travelers passing through? Or worse, those who are down-and-out and find Walmart the only safe and legal place to sleep in their cars?!
The story goes that Sam Waltons son died of suicide after going broke and being unable to find a safe place to sleep in his car. Ironic. It seems the entrepreneur owner had compassion and felt no one should experience that. He then implemented the policy. I also heard it was written so firm that it could never be changed. Now, town and city councils have found a way to override the policy outside of the corporation.
Did you know that almost all towns and cities prohibit "occupying" a vehicle overnight when parked on public streets?
I can tell you from experience, it's almost worse then getting a ticket to get a knock on the door by a police officer when all cozied up in your bed and parked for the night on a quiet street.
To compensate I now park right in front of the police department! The perceived strategy is that they actually, won't bother me because they assume no one is dumb enough to occupy a vehicle here. If they do knock I will say I wanted to feel safe and that was why I parked there, thus activating their hero n' duty archetypes! Great to do in towns like Berkeley but don't even try it in ones such as Chula Vista, California.
Another option for overnight parking in a city, if you have the time, is to find a fitting residential neighborhood. Stay away from perfectly manicured neighborhoods. Neighborhoods can be ok if they are eclectic and therefore include laid-back people. Look for artistic creative front-yards and nice, but not too perfect homes. But even so, you won't know until you try. Be choosy about which houses you park near.
There is always a risk that you could get a knock on the door by the police no matter how smart you have choosen, especially if you leave your headlights on --oops!
There is always a risk that you could get a knock on the door by the police no matter how smart you have choosen, especially if you leave your headlights on --oops!
In residential neighborhoods your chances are also better if you can find a spot nearer an apartment building, it's less obvious who you belong to, or rather that you don't belong!!
Places to avoid overnight parking are shopping malls, and almost all private business lots. Many have roaming private security. Forget about tempting public parks, cops will come by and harass even in the daytime if your in an old motorhome. If you see bank or a school nearby, just keep going!
The other most reliable source of parking is public streets. Sometimes, I get lucky and find a nice quiet street where no one will bother me and better yet, I won't bother them! Where I can get in and out of my back door, permeate the air while cooking with garlic and not feel like a criminal. Industrial areas in older parts of towns can offer great options such as the one in this photo below, which was taken in Culver City Los Angeles. Industrial areas can be great but sometimes a little spooky and dark at night.
A thoughtful option for city street parking is near a nursing home or near a small hospital. It could look like you might be visiting and maybe no one will have a cold enough heart to report you!
If you are going to park in a historical or downtown area around small businesses stay on the quieter side-streets, what was quiet at midnight, could become very traffic heavy by morning!
Always check for signs at the ends of the blocks for any additional posted rules, such as: no vehicles over eighty inches wide and high --this was a fifty dollar ticket I got for being a beach, eye-sore!
If you are going to park in a historical or downtown area around small businesses stay on the quieter side-streets, what was quiet at midnight, could become very traffic heavy by morning!
There are some cities that I have never been harassed in. Like San Francisco. Move around for the street cleaners there is no issue. One could move around endlessly and live there, --actually many do!
For me living in a motorhome in a city is tiresome and life-draining after just a few days unless I am in a rare, good spot with good things nearby to do. Cities can feel lonelier then being alone in the desert!
For me living in a motorhome in a city is tiresome and life-draining after just a few days unless I am in a rare, good spot with good things nearby to do. Cities can feel lonelier then being alone in the desert!
Well so are the overnight parking lessons from life in the Honey while in the cities, passed on to you. One thing is certain, It's always worth taking the time to find a secure location before settling in for a night if you want to enjoy the city!
gorilla parking is fun ... and to leave the parking spot as clean as you found it is double fun and joy for everyone. Life is good.